
Decorators are able to register callback functions for handling updates in a much easier and cleaner way compared to Handlers; they do so by instantiating the correct handler and calling add_handler() automatically. All you need to do is adding the decorators on top of your functions.

from pyrogram import Client

app = Client("my_account")

def log(client, message):




Decorator for handling bot business connection.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the BotBusinessConnectHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of stories to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling new messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the MessageHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of messages to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling new bot business messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the BotBusinessMessageHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of messages to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling edited messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the EditedMessageHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of messages to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling edited messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the EditedBotBusinessMessageHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of messages to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling callback queries.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the CallbackQueryHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of callback queries to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling shipping queries.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the ShippingQueryHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of callback queries to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling pre-checkout queries.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the PreCheckoutQueryHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of callback queries to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling reaction changes on messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the MessageReactionUpdatedHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of updates to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling anonymous reaction changes on messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the MessageReactionCountUpdatedHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of updates to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling inline queries.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the InlineQueryHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of inline queries to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling chosen inline results.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the ChosenInlineResultHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of chosen inline results to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling event changes on chat members.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the ChatMemberUpdatedHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of updates to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling chat join requests.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the ChatJoinRequestHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of updates to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling deleted messages.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the DeletedMessagesHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of messages to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling user status updates. This does the same thing as add_handler() using the UserStatusHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of UserStatus updated to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling new stories.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the StoryHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of stories to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling poll updates.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the PollHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of polls to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling disconnections.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the DisconnectHandler.


Decorator for handling raw updates.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the RawUpdateHandler.

  • filters (filters, optional) – Pass one or more filters to allow only a subset of callback queries to be passed in your function.

  • group (int, optional) – The group identifier, defaults to 0.


Decorator for handling new errors.

This does the same thing as add_handler() using the MessageHandler.


errors (Exception, optional) – Pass one or more errors to allow only a subset of errors to be passed in your function.