

Use this method to send reactions on a message/stories. Automatically forwarded messages from a channel to its discussion group have the same available reactions as messages in the channel. Bots can’t use paid reactions.

You must use exactly one of message_id OR story_id.

If you specify, message_id
Usable by Users Bots
If you specify, story_id
Usable by Users Bots
  • chat_id (int | str) – Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat. You can also use chat public link in form of<username> (str).

  • message_id (int, optional) – Identifier of the target message. If the message belongs to a media group, the reaction is set to the first non-deleted message in the group instead.

  • story_id (int, optional) – Identifier of the story.

  • emoji (int | str | List of int | str, optional) – Reaction emoji. Pass None as emoji (default) to retract the reaction. Pass list of int or str to react multiple emojis.

  • big (bool, optional) – Pass True to set the reaction with a big animation. For message reactions only. Defaults to False.

  • add_to_recent (bool, optional) – Pass True if the reaction should appear in the recently used reactions. This option is applicable only for users.


MessageReactions – On success, True is returned.


# Send a reaction
await app.send_reaction(chat_id, message_id=message_id, emoji="🔥")
await app.send_reaction(chat_id, story_id=story_id, emoji="🔥")

# Send a multiple reactions
await app.send_reaction(chat_id, message_id=message_id, emoji=["🔥", "❤️"])

# Retract a reaction
await app.send_reaction(chat_id, message_id=message_id)
await app.send_reaction(chat_id, story_id=story_id)