

Set a new chat photo or video (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video, max 5 seconds).

The photo and video arguments are mutually exclusive. Pass either one as named argument (see examples below).

You must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate admin rights.

Usable by Users Bots
  • chat_id (int | str) – Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat. You can also use chat public link in form of<username> (str).

  • photo (str | BinaryIO, optional) – New chat photo. You can pass a Photo file_id, a file path to upload a new photo from your local machine or a binary file-like object with its attribute “.name” set for in-memory uploads.

  • emoji (int, optional) – Unique identifier (int) of the emoji to be used as the chat photo.

  • emoji_background (int | List of int, optional) – hexadecimal colors or List of hexadecimal colors to be used as the chat photo background.

  • video (str | BinaryIO, optional) – New chat video. You can pass a file path to upload a new video from your local machine or a binary file-like object with its attribute “.name” set for in-memory uploads.

  • video_start_ts (float, optional) – The timestamp in seconds of the video frame to use as photo profile preview.


Message | bool – On success, a service message will be returned (when applicable), otherwise, in case a message object couldn’t be returned, True is returned.


ValueError – if a chat_id belongs to user.


# Set chat photo using a local file
await app.set_chat_photo(chat_id, photo="photo.jpg")

# Set chat photo using an existing Photo file_id
await app.set_chat_photo(chat_id, photo=photo.file_id)

# Set chat photo using an emoji
await app.set_chat_photo(chat_id, emoji=5366316836101038579)

# Set chat photo using an emoji and background colors
await app.set_chat_photo(chat_id, emoji=5366316836101038579, emoji_background=[0xFFFFFF, 0x000000])

# Set chat video
await app.set_chat_photo(chat_id, video="video.mp4")