
class pyrogram.types.ForumTopic

A forum topic.

  • id (Integer) – Id of the topic

  • date (Integer) – Date topic created

  • title (String) – Name of the topic

  • icon_color (Integer) – Color of the topic icon in RGB format

  • top_message (Integer) – N/A

  • read_inbox_max_id (Integer) – N/A

  • read_outbox_max_id (Integer) – N/A

  • unread_count (Integer) – N/A

  • unread_mentions_count (Integer) – N/A

  • unread_reactions_count (Integer) – N/A

  • from_id (PeerChannel | PeerUser) – Topic creator.

  • my (Boolean, optional) – N/A

  • closed (Boolean, optional) – N/A

  • pinned (Boolean, optional) – N/A

  • short (Boolean, optional) – N/A

  • icon_emoji_id (Integer, optional) – Unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon